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Terms and Conditions for Preparation of Personal Injury Medico-legal Reports

Area of expertise

  • Diagnosis and management of physiotherapy and rehabilitation in both the NHS and private sector

  • I provide Personal Injury Medico-Legal reports for both Claimant and Defendant work.

Terms in respect of Personal Injury Medico-legal reporting

  • Personal Injury Medico-legal reporting is charged at £220 per hour. If, following a preparation of the report, subsequent letters or requests for further details are required, these will be charged out at the above rates.

  • Travel costs charged at £220 per hour plus travel expenses

  • I would estimate that the report will be available to you within approximately 30 days of formal instruction.

  • If a patient does not attend for a medicolegal appointment having confirmed the appointment with my office, and not contacted in working hours (8am - 5pm Monday to Friday) within 72 hours of the appointment to arrange for cancellation a fee of £220 will be charged to compensate for lost clinic time.  Home visits will be charged at 100% of estimated travel and examination time if cancelled within 72 hours of arranged visit.

  • Any time spent reviewing documentation or preparation of report prior to any cancellation of a case will be charged to the instructing party at 100% fee for the hours completed at time of cancellation  

  • Cancellation fees for attendance at Court are 0% up to 7 days prior to Court attendance date. At 7 days before a Court date a full 100% fee for that attendance will be applied. 

Indemnity Insurance

I can confirm that I have full indemnity with the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy with respect to negligence cover in the preparation of Personal Injury Medico-legal reports.


Standard payment terms

Standard payment terms are 30 days net.

Terms and Conditions for Preparation of Clinical Negligence Medico-legal Reports

Area of expertise

  • Diagnosis and management of physiotherapy and rehabilitation in both the NHS and private sectors. This also includes issues relating to physiotherapy triage and assessment services “Extended Scope Physiotherapists”.

  • I provide Clinical Negligence Reports for both Claimant and Defendant work.

  • I provide both Liability and Causation Reports and also Condition and Prognosis Reports.

Terms in respect of Clinical Negligence Medico-legal reporting

  • Provision of reports are at £220 per hour (with at the current time no VAT chargeable) for all Clinical Negligence Reports.  I do not provide reports on a fixed fee basis.

  • Fees for subsequent correspondence after provision of reports are £220 per hour.

  • Fees are normally payable within 3 months of preparation of the report, but alternative payment schemes are available on request on an individual case by case basis.

  • Cancellation fees for non-attendance for examination reports are 50% within 3 days of the time of interview and 100% where notice of less than 72 hours is given.

  • Fees for attendance at Conference with Counsel are £220 per hour plus travel time at £220 per hour and travel expenses.

  • Fees for attendance at Court at £1300 per half day and full day at £2200 (plus travel time and travel expenses).

  • Cancellation fees for attendance at Court are 0% up to 7 days, 100% where less than 7 days notice is given.

Report turnaround

Clinical Negligence reports will be provided within 30 days of receipt of instructions and medical records

Correspondence will be answered, where logistically possible, within 14 days of receipt.


Indemnity Insurance

I confirm that I have full indemnity with the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists for the preparation of medico-legal and clinical negligence reports.

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